Make Your Dog’s Life Shine Forever Project
When I looked back over my life, there are many kinds of memories—fun ones, sad ones, turning points of my life, encounters, and separations. They all affected me strongly to become who I am now.
The most important things for me now are my family, my children, and a lot of memories. Especially, the existence of my beloved dog as a member of my family and the memories with her made my daily life abundant, and they are my precious treasure.
My dog died, and my grief didn’t heal. During that situation, I had a strong mind not to forget each memory I had with my dearest dog and make something in shape to show the proof of my dog’s life.
I wanted to take this idea into action and thank my dearest dog in heaven. So, I titled this “Make My Dog’s Life Shine Forever Project” and wrote a story about my family and our beloved dog. The story was shown in various ways. Upload a video on YouTube, make a picture book, make six-panel-comics, and so on.
I was devoting myself to this work, and I realized that 3 years have passed since then. After the death of my beloved dog, I was regretting deeply and blaming both myself and others for a long time. I couldn’t regret enough, and I often thought back of her last moment like a flashback and cried. But as I worked on making a story about the memories with my dog, I was able to organize my feelings. And I found it out later, but this work had a great effect as a grief care work.
“Aren’t you possessed by your dog?” “Forget about her sooner. Otherwise, she can’t go to heaven.” “You have to be able to say thank you to her, not sorry.” These were the words that people around me said with care and worry for me.
However, for me, experiencing this grief care work of making a story about her meant a lot. I would still say sorry to her millions of times now and hereafter, but it made me tell a lot of thank you to my dog at the same time.
Through this process, I clearly realized that the days I spent with my beloved dog was a very happy time for me. I also learned a lot from her earnest behavior, and it was her great achievement that she kept the bonds of our family forever with her small body in her short life. And the most important thing is that our beloved dog will live eternally in our family members’ hearts with the memories.
Currently, we are all fighting against the coronavirus with the “STAY HOME” slogan. Wouldn’t you like to remember back the happy days with your beloved dogs and put them together in a story since we can spend more time at home? There are many ways to show your story.
In my case, I made a picture book, whiteboard animation, a picture audiobook using Amazon Polly, six-panel comics, and so on.
I would like to spread this work to cherish the memories with the pet dogs together with all the people around the world through this “Make Your Dog’s Life Shine Forever Project.”
Thank you very much, and I hope you could be one of the members of this project.
The copyright of all the works exhibited on this website belongs to the respective artists and owners.
Married at the age of 23 and had 2 children. After 12 years of being a housewife, I thought I wanted to work for something I like to do and started to study English very hard. A little before 40 years old, I started to work in a company to do easy interpretation and translation work. Sorts of things happened after that, and 7 years later, I started to live separately with my husband for a long period of time.
It’s already 10 years since I came back to Japan from Singapore with my dearest dog, Rinse. But she died, and I was in a pet loss grief. However, I felt ashamed to face Rinse if I just keep weeping about it. To make my life beautiful, I try to feel excited every day and write about those various things on a blog.
Please visit my blog website too!