Whiteboard Animation “The Story of My Family and Our Beloved Dog” (Posted by aguri)

YouTube Video

The Story of My Family and Our Beloved Dog

Whiteboard Animation / October 2019
I lost my beloved dog, Rinse, in 2017. Before and after the death of Rinse, I had no knowledge about grief care, and I was regretting and blaming both myself and others for Rinse’s death.

Two years have passed with the deep sorrow of losing my pet, and I thought that I would never get over this misery. But in March 2019, I happened to find a website of Dr. Minako Abe, a veterinarian and veterinary grief care adviser. I wanted to have a counseling session with her, so I contacted her.

Before I have a counseling session with Dr. Abe, I wanted her to know about Rinse, my family, and me. Around that time, the video about Rinse that I had been working on for a while was just finished. So, I thought it would be great if I could show that video to her. The story of the video was written in one sitting with my mind never to forget the memories with her, which covered from the first time when I met Rinse until her death, including the last moment I could not stay with Rinse.

Dr. Abe said, “It’s wonderful that this story is based on Rinse’s view. Even after her death, I can tell that Rinse is still connecting the heart of everyone in the family.”

Then in October 2019, “The First Veterinary Mental Care Forum For Pet Owners in Kyoto” was held. Dr. Abe was the main lecturer, and she asked me if I could show the video in front of people there. I was pleased to have her suggestion. Dr. Abe told me, “I think the story of Rinse will become a strong message to all the attendees. Rinse’s life would shine.”

On the day of the forum, I showed this video about Rinse in front of around 100 people. Dr. Abe said, “This movie showed that our pets would go to heaven at the best timing, and the bonds of the pet and family are eternal even we weren’t together at the last moment.”

Many people had supported me in making this video, and their hard work made such a fantastic video. I really want to thank sincerely from my heart to all those people.


Original Story: aguri

Whiteboard Animation: DrawFor
Voiceover & Translation: picolisco
Credits Roll Illustrations: Lashkevich Nataliya (Instagram: rinrinrin391)
Video Creator: Junya Manabe (Twitter: @junkuntv)
BGM: Music Atelier Amacha http://amachamusic.chagasi.com/

The opening scene of this video is made with the words of Dr. Minako Abe.
I really appreciate it if you could watch the story of Rinse, our beloved dog.

Please visit my blog site too!

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